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beautiful prefab modular container homes. It is literally true to say that the imitations of works of art are more
assimilable by the public than originals, and therefore always tend to
fetch a higher price in the market at the moment of their production.

The fact is that the average man uses art entirely for its symbolic
value. Art is in fact the symbolic currency of the beautiful prefab modular container homes world. The possession
of rare and much coveted works of art is regarded as a sign of national
greatness. The growth and development of the Kaiser Friedrich museum was
due to the active support of the late Emperor, a man whose distaste for
genuine art is notorious, but whose sense of the symbolic was highly
developed. Large and expensively ornamented buildings become symbols of
municipal greatness. The amount of useless beautiful prefab modular container homes ornaments on façades of their
offices is a valuable symbol of the financial exuberance of big
commercial undertakings; and, finally, the social status of the
individual is expressed to the admiring or envious outer world by the
streamlines of an aristocratic motor-car, or the superfluity of lace
curtains in the front beautiful prefab modular container homes windows of a genteel suburban villa.

The social man, then, lives in a world of symbols, and though he presses
other things into his service, such, for instance, as kings, footmen,
dogs, women, he finds in art his richest reservoir of symbolic currency.
But in a world of symbolists the creative artist and the creative man of
science appear in strange isolation as the only people who are not
symbolists. They alone are up against certain relations which do not
stand for something else, but appear to have ultimate value, to be real.

Art as a symbolic currency is an important means of the instinctive life
of beautiful prefab modular container homes man, but art as created by the artist is in violent revolt against
the instinctive life, is an expression of the reflective and fully
conscious life. It is natural enough, then, that before it can be used
by the instinctive life it must be deprived by travesty of its too
violent assertion of its own reality. Travesty is necessary at first to
make it assimilable, but in the end long familiarity may rob even
original works of art of their insistence, so that, finally, even the
great masterpieces may become the most cherished symbols of the lords of
the instinctive life, may, as in fact they frequently do, become the
property of beautiful prefab modular container homes millionaires.

A great deal of misunderstanding and ill-feeling between the artist and
the public comes from a failure to realise the necessity of this process
of assimilation of the work of art to the needs of the instinctive

I suspect that a very similar beautiful prefab modular container homes process takes place with regard to truth.
In order that truth may not outrage too violently the passions and
egoisms of the instinctive life it, too, must undergo a process of

Society, for example, accepts as much of the ascertainable truth as it
can stand at a given period in the form of the doctrine of its organised

Now what effect would the beautiful prefab modular container homes development of the Great State which this book
anticipates have upon all this? First, I suppose that the fact that
every one had to work might produce a new reverence, especially in the
governing body, for work, a new sense of disgust and horror at wasteful
and purposeless work. Mr. Money has written of waste of work; here in
unwanted pseudo-art is another colossal waste. Add to this ideal of
economy in work the presumption that the workers in every craft would be
more thoroughly organised and would have a more decisive voice in the
nature and quality of their productions. Under the present system of
commercialism the one object, and the complete justification, of
producing any article is, that it can be made either by its intrinsic
value, or by the fictitious value put upon it by advertisement, to sell
with a sufficient profit to the manufacturer. In any socialistic state,
I imagine--and to a large extent the Great State will be socialistic at
least--there would not be this same automatic justification for
manufacture; people would not be induced artificially to buy beautiful prefab modular container homes , and in this way a more genuine scale of values would be
developed. Moreover, the workman would be in a better position to say
how things should be made. After years of a purely commercial standard,
there is left even now, in the average workman, a certain bias in favour
of sound and reasonable workmanship as opposed to the ingenious
manufacture of fatuous and fraudulent objects; and, if we suppose the
immediate pressure of sheer necessity to be removed, it is probable that
the craftsman, acting through his guild organisations, would determine
to some extent the methods of beautiful prefab modular container homes manufacture. Guilds might, indeed, regain
something of the political influence that gave us the Gothic cathedrals
of the Middle Ages. It is quite probable that this guild influence would
act as a check on some innovations in manufacture which, though bringing
in a profit, are really disastrous to the community at large. Of such a
nature are all the so-called improvements whereby decoration, the whole
value of which consists in its expressive power, is multiplied
indefinitely by machinery. When once the question of the desirability of
any and every production came to be discussed, as it would be in the
Great State, it would inevitably follow that some reasonable and
scientific classifications would be undertaken with regard to machinery.
That is to say, it would be considered in what processes and to what
degree machinery ought to replace handiwork, both from the point of view
of the community as a whole and from that of the producer. So far as I
know, this has never been undertaken even with regard to mere economy,
no one having calculated with beautiful prefab modular container homes precision how far the longer life of
certain hand-made articles does not more than compensate for increased
cost of production. And I suppose that in the Great State other things
besides mere economy would come into the calculation. The Great State
will live, not hoard.

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