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As part of their project for the Girl Scouts Gold Award, the highest honor in the program, the Seattle teenager spent months researching child influencers: Kids who rake in serious cash for their appearances in YouTube vlogs, which are often run <a href=https://www.airmaxplus.es>air max90</a> by their parents. They were so fascinated and appalled by the lack of regulation around child labor and social media that they utilized their high school s senior independent study program to phone-bank their neighbors to gauge community interest in the i <a href=https://www.airmaxplus.de>nike air max97</a> ssue.In January, McCarty cold-emailed a number of local lawmakers, including Washington State Representative Emily Wicks, who serves on the Children, Youth &amp; Families Committee. McCarty presented their research, convincing the representative why she should work with a teenager to draft a new bill at the very end of the legislative session. I randomly got an email from Chris, and they said, Here s the problem, and here s the potential solution, Wicks told TechCrunch. I <a href=https://www.adidas-originalss.fr>stan smith hommes</a> really wanted to p Gzsm Perplexity AI s new feature will turn your searches into shareable pages
Geek Plus says that this is the largest-ever funding round for a logistics robotics startup. Indeed, according to PitchBook, the highest-ever round for industrial robots prior to this was just over $25 million for Locus Robotics out of Boston. The round, a Series B, was led by Warburg Pincus, with participation from other shareholders including聽Volcanics Venture and Vertex Ventures. The company is not disclosing its valuation but we have <a href=https://www.adidascampus.us>campus shoes</a> asked and will update as we learn more. Warburg Pincus led the startup pr <a href=https://www.nbbalance.com.de>nbbalance</a> evious round of $60 million in 2017, and Geek Plus has raised around $217 million since being founded in 2015.Part of the reason for this large round is because the company says its on track for a big year, projecting to growth business five-fold, and it wants to capitalise on that <a href=https://www.salomonschuhe.com.de>salomon wanderschuhe</a> growth both inside its own giant home market of Mainland China as well as further afield.To date, Geek Plus says that it has delivered more than 5,000 robots across some 100 robotics warehouse