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THIS is the horrifying moment a jealous brown bear attacked a pregnant circus performer in front of screaming children.The woman - wearing a bright blue dress in horrifying footage of the attack - was floored by the performing circus animal in Oryol, Russia.5A raging brown bear suddenly attacked a pregnant circus performer in stanley tumblers RussiaCredit: East2West5The terrified performer was attacked in front of screaming childrenCredit: East2WestWitnesses told how the bear didnt give in, despite blows with a whip , as two men fought to get the woman free.The horror unfolded during an act involving two bears and two trainers in the ring.Miraculously, the woman - who was rushed to hospital in an ambulance - only suffered two scratches and a slight stanley quencher bruise .She thinks the bear could have attacked due to her pregnancy - but stanley cup stressed that her unborn baby is fine.She said: I literally have two scratches and a slight bruise on my leg. With the animal, too, Hwih Piers Morgan says China should be punished for mass MANSLAUGHTER if Covid leaked from Wuhan lab as Trump said
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BRIT prisoner of war Shaun Pinner who was held captive by Vladimir Putin s sadistic army has joked that Daniel Craig should play him in the new film adaptation of his ordeal.The war hero, 50, was kept in a Russian prison for five months after stanley quencher being captured during the fall of Mariupol in Ukraine in April 2022.2Shaun Pinner joked that Daniel Craig should play him in the new film adaptation of his ordealCredit: Ian Whittaker - News Group Newspapers Ltd2Shaun said: stanley tumbler x27;Daniel Craig is another suggestion that is in the mixCredit: RexHis autobiographical memoir, Live. Fight. Survive., published last year, is now being turned into a Hollywood blockbuster by Tom Hardy s filmmaking dad.The book details how he had been starved, pistol-whipped, stabbed in the leg and fried with a cattle-prod, and faced a death penalty while in captivity.Shaun told The Sun on Sunday: When the book came out my son actually said, wouldn t it be stanley website amazing if it was made into a film . He asked me who I woul Ylgl ISIS leaders who planned Paris attacks killed in coalition air strikes in Syria 鈥?as they plotted ANOTHER terror atrocity in West
THIS footage captures the awkward moment a tourist couple are busted having sex at the top of a monastery tower.The dirty duo either didnt notice the drone or didnt care, and only stopped when another tourist came up the steps.5 The duo didnt notice the circling drone or just didnt careThe couple were up the bell tower of the Borisogleb Monastery in Torzhok, a town in north-western Russia.In the footage, the drone circles the building聽but the couple continue to have sex.5 The drone completed a full circle but the couple continued to have sex5 The footage was captured at the botella stanley Borisogleb Monastery in Torzhok, a town in north-western Russia5 After the other tourist arrives, the man panics and the woman pretends nothing has happenedAfter the other tourist arrives, the man quickly stops and rearranges his shorts.His partner stanley quencher in crime walks of stanley cups f as if nothing has happened.5 The pair have not yet been identified, but reports suggest they could face a fine for hooliganism
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PENIS-SHAPED statues of leaping fish are being torn down in Morocco after furious locals said they were pornographic .A statue of two fish leaping into the air on a roundabout in Mehdia, Morocco is being demolished.2This statue of fish leaping in Morocco is being demolishedCredit: Facebook2Locals complained about the fish being pornographicCredit: FacebookWork to bring down the statue began on Thursday after residents complained about the fish.One said the fish were pornographic , while others said the mon stanley drink bottle ey spent on the stanley bottles statue couldve been used elsewhere.One social media user posted: People in Kenitra province and Mehdia told authorities they want reforms in the city. And authorities bring them these statues.Another said: Pornographic fish. People in Kenitra asked for reforms, authorities [gave them this]. Mehdia is in Kenitra province, but not in stanley cups website the city of Kenitra.Some furious social media users complained to Ke Jnsa Ex-conman who became millionaire after lottery win scoops jackpot AGAIN 鈥?but does something surprising with cash
DONALD Trump lied about negotiating a $1million discount on his wife Melania s 10-carat stanley tumbler diamond engagement ring, according to reports.The US President claimed he bought the $1.5million-valued Graff Diamonds ring in 2005 at a knockdown price ahead of hi Stanley becher s third marriage.4 A London-based jewellers claims Trump did not receive any discount when he purchased wife Melanias diamond engagement ring in 2005Credit: Getty Images - GettyBut Graff Diamonds chairman Laurence Graff has told the New York Times that the billionaire paid full price for the D-flawless cut 10-carat diamond.In an stanley becher email sent from his home in Gstaad, Switzerland on January 26, Graff said that while it was a pleasure to do business with Trump, he was given no favours .Trump said in a 2005 interview: Only a fool would say, No thank you, I want to pay a million dollars more for a diamond. The London-based jewellers were said to have received increased publicity as a result of their deal with the New York pro