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Given the multiplicity of vision systems and backups on board any given autonomous vehicle, it seeme <a href=https://www.stanley-cups.uk>stanley cup</a> d impossible that any one of them failing could have prevented the car systems from perceiving Elaine Herzberg, who was crossing the street directly in front of the lidar and front-facing cameras. Yet the car didn ;t even touch the brakes or sound an alarm. Combined with an inattentive safety driver, this failure resulted in Herzberg death.Here how Uber self-driving cars are supposed to detect pedestriansThe only <a href=https://www.stanley-cups.de>stanley tumblers</a> possibilities that made sense we <a href=https://www.stanley-cups.ca>stanley tumbler</a> re:A: Fault in the object recognition system, which may have failed to classify Herzberg and her bike as a pedestrian. This seems unlikely since bikes and people are among the things the system should be most competent at identifying.B: Fault in the car higher logic, which makes decisions like which objects to pay attention to and what to do about them. No need to slow down for a parked bike at the side Kbss Watch Arnold Schwarzenegger Crush Things With A Tank 8230; For Charity
Twitter is trading around the $34.40 mark, up slightly from a new record low of $34 that it set earlier today. It worth comparing this to the day that 800 million Facebook shares unlocked, and Facebook spiked more than 10 percent.Volume in trading of Twitter stock is already a massive 65 million shares. Normal volume for Twitter is around 13 million. <a href=https://www.stanley-cups.co.uk>stanley cups</a> It barely noon here on the East Coast.Twitter, according to Google Finance, has around 569 million shares outstanding that figure doesn <a href=https://www.stanley1913.com.es>stanley cup</a> ;t include un-exercised options and un-vested RSUs .聽Twitter founders <a href=https://www.stanley-cup.com.de>Stanley becher</a> and an early investor pledged to not sell their shares. Only a fraction of the 465 million shares that unlocked today have traded hands.The company has had a precipitous聽drop from earlier heights before user growth became a key concern. Twitter shares topped $74 after debuting around $45 per share after being priced at a modest $26. Twitter is therefore still up from its IPO price, but not much.The company dove foll